Find tools for building and maintaining successful mentor-mentee relationships.
Find tools for building and maintaining successful mentor-mentee relationships.
Professional Development Tools
The supervising faculty member plays a critical role in shaping the training experience of their postdoctoral appointees, as well as promoting their career advancement. The resources below are intended to help support the mentoring relationship and develop faculty as mentors.
Individual Development Plans
All postdoctoral trainees are required to complete and submit an IDP to both their mentor and the PECP at the time of their initial appointment and annually thereafter.
Mentoring Training Program
The Mentoring Training Program is a 9-hour peer-driven program offered through Advance RI-CTR. It delivers the evidence-based curriculum developed by NRMN and CIMER, and has trained over 210 faculty at Brown University and the University of Rhode Island.
Culturally Aware Mentoring Training
Coming Soon! Building on the evidence-based mentoring curriculum developed by NRMN and CIMER, this training will guide faculty mentors to understand the sources and impact of bias on diverse mentees to improve the training environment for individuals from underrepresented groups. Brown facilitators are in training to deliver this at Brown.