Division of Biology and Medicine
Postdocs and Early Career Programs

CDA Peer Mentorship Program

We're excited to make this a regular event, happening on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3 PM

Get feedback on: your grant writing, specific aims section, or any other part of your grant application that needs some fine-tuning. Simply sign up as a Presenter on the Google Form here
Agenda of Grant-Writing Workshops:
Meet, Introduction, and Collaboration Updates (10 minutes)
Presenter 1: Review and Discuss Grant (20 minutes)
Presenter 2: Review and Discuss Grant (20 minutes)
Presenter Duties
1. Send your Specific Aims to andrea_goldstein1@brown.edu 1 – 2 days before the workshop.
3. Prepare a brief presentation of your SA in under 5 minutes.
3. Come with a question or two to engage the group.
Reviewer Duties
• Show up (even if you didn’t have time to review beforehand)!
• Feel free to leave early or come late if needed.
Note: Workshop Cancellation Policy: If there are no sign-ups by the start of the week, we'll cancel the session for that month.
Attend & Win: End-of-Year Raffle Every attendance earns you a ticket to our end-of-year raffle! You could be one of the lucky winners of one of 2 $50 gift cards!

CDA Peer Mentorship Team

Faculty PictureJustin Berk, MD, MPA, MPH
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Faculty PictureAudra Van Wart, PhD
Director of University Postdoctoral Affairs
Associate Dean for Training and Program Development
Division of Biology and Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medical Science
 Andrea B. Goldstein, MPA
Postdoctoral Program Coordinator and Administrator
Postdocs and Early Career Programs